Friday, January 9, 2009

Metallica's Distorted "Death Magnetic" Still Rocks

There's no opening manifesto. Simply put, I am constantly on the lookout for music that helps me through my almost daily workouts.
Duration: 45 minutes
Equipment: Elliptical (on a setting of 3)
Calories: 785
iPod setting: Shuffle

Metallica (Astronomy). "Awesome. Oddly, I've always liked Metallica's covers better than its originals. I also like its instrumentals more than anything. Astronomy has an energy and power that kicks the original by Blue Oyster Cult up 11 notches.
Beastie Boys "Intergalatic."
Kid Rock "Roving Gangster." The great thing about headphones is it frees a 44-year-old man to blast out stuff he'd never rock on a boombox at the beach or, even, in his own home.
James Brown "Give It Up Turn It Loose." You've got to have some funk in your workout and nobody can out-funk the Godfather.
Metallica "Broken, Beat & Scattered." It's good, but the whole "Death Magnetic" album, it's distorted to a level I find really distracting. Weird.
The White Stripes "You're Pretty Good Looking." The great thing about a two-minute song is it often comes along at a point where you need to push yourself just a bit (in my case to maintain a 100 calorie-six-minute pace). What's two minutes?
Bad Co. "Silver, Blue & Gold,"
Metallica "The Unforgiven III." The great thing about a nine-minute song is that since I try to keep myself from looking at the clock until a song has ended, there's less than 10 minutes left when I'm finally allowed to peak at the countdown.
Liz Phair "Flower." Lyrics that would make Tipper Gore run screaming to Congress, though I think she'd secretly like it. I know Al would.
Van Halen "Ain't Talking About Love." Van Halen will never be appreciated by musicologists, but just about any of their songs offer the perfect beat to propel you through the next three or four minutes. On this one, it's hard not to pay air guitar when EVH busts out one of the best solos of all time. I once saw a guy my age doing sort of air drums on the treadmill, and I vowed, there and then, to never ever do that. I, however, can't keep myself from lip-synching at some points, but usually only during lunchtime workouts when there aren't many people there.
Santogold "LES Artistes" Not my usual type of thing, but it's real cool. It's part of my Rokchix playlist, which I'll elaborate on soon.

Hopefully, my next posting will reveal the more sophisticated tastes that are also reflected in my music library but aren't as fun.

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